Need publications to get your Instagram profile verified (BLUE CHECKMARK)?
If you are a(n):
Athlete, Artist, Photographer, IT specialist, Musician, Businessman, Designer, Stylist, Sculptor, Decorator, Make-up Artist, Model, Blogger, Media Influencer, Theater or Film Director, Producer, Actor, Camera Operator, Screenwriter, or Author
your page has been repeatedly subjected to hacking attempts by competitors
you have big plans for scaling and selling online products
you’re worried that someone might impersonate you (fake pages)
you spend a lot of money to advertise with bloggers
you are often turned down for major conferences and mutual PR because you’re not well known or prestigious enough
you want to increase your prices for ad posts (which the blue checkmark helps you do)
you don’t have any significant advertising contracts or proposals for collaboration
We will provide content for your personal brand: interviews, expert opinions, articles, publications about your projects or business, magazine covers, approval for grants, participation in international conferences, beauty contests, and international ratings and awards.
Personal Website
A website should make it clear who you are and what you do
Includes a publication and interview page.
Describes what you have to offer. Should be understandable, but informative.
5 pages - 10 days (if you already have content)
Who you will work with: PR Specialist, Journalist, Web Designer, Engineer.
Brand Story
Price for writing a brand story:
Use it for your website, a speech about yourself, social media, magazine or newspaper publications, brief announcements about you speaking at conferences, and talent visa applications for America, England, and Australia. Includes text for online encyclopedias, a success story, values and goals.
Our PR specialist will beautifully present you as an expert (delicious) 1 month
Who you will work with: PR Specialist, Journalist, Marketer, Neuromarketer
Biography Placement in Encyclopedias
Writing package with 10 publications
Excellent for one’s online reputation
Examples of encyclopedias:
https ://
Book Writing
From $7000
We will write, produce, and publish your book
We help with writing and publishing expert and fiction books:
very beneficial for one’s personal brand and expertise
another option is a fictional book based on your idea
a full range of publishing tools: from designing and printing to promotion and distribution
Who you will work with: PR Specialist, Journalist, Marketer, Neuromarketer, Copywriters
Personal Brand Promotion Strategy
We analyze everything you have and write an action plan, including potential costs. We evaluate successful cases and draw up a detailed plan for implementation.
What select social media, websites, associations, and events to get involved in.
Who you will work with: PR Specialist, Journalist
Wiki Audit
An examination that includes:
* an in-depth inspection of independent authoritative sources about a company or personality
* determining whether sources reveal the encyclopedic significance of the article’s subject in sufficient detail
* a search for possible pitfalls (risks of black PR and artifacts on Wikipedia, like traces of past unsuccessful attempts).
Based on this information, we calculate the potential success of particular topics.
I make brief recommendations: whether and how to improve the information field, which direction to take it. Recommendations are included in the cost of the audit.
A wiki audit is a preliminary action you can take to help you invest (or save) time and money.
Who you will work with: PR Specialist, Journalist, Researcher, Wikipedia Moderator.