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PR articles for STARTUPS with small PR budgets looking for an investor

Are you looking for someone to invest in your STARTUP?

We will publish information about you in international and regional publications around the world. 


Techcrunch, Forbes, Bloomberg, Nasdaq, Yahoo News, Yahoo Finance, Marketwatch, Benzinga

Become famous and sell yourself/your product at a higher price

A competent PR campaign helps you find an investor and business partner

Establish a definite opinion about yourself and your product and save on advertising (which is especially important for beginners)

Tech publicity

$1000 plus the cost of writing the articles

$2000 turnkey

This is more of an SEO package, but for technical publications.

Who you will work with: PR Specialist, Journalist

Press Release Package




Yahoo news

Yahoo finance



Who you will work with: PR Specialist, Journalist

Press Release on VentureBeat


Here is an example:


Who you will work with: PR Specialist, Journalist

Press Release in American News Publications


We send your news, press release, or announcement to a media database of 340 real contacts. You get published in leading US media outlets. This is a unique opportunity to tell a wide audience about yourself on a modest budget.

Who you will work with: PR Specialist, Journalist

6 press releases in American news publications

 $3000 with a discount

This affects a site’s position in search engines (works better than any SEO, because links from news outlets rank very highly for trust)

Super effective for online reputation, after 6 releases, we recommend trying to get the blue checkmark on Instagram

Who you will work with: PR Specialist, Journalist

If you have any questions,

Send these guys a message 👇🏼

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